Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Student Success Statemnet

"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."-Evan Stephens

I think everyone can agree that when you have done something wrong, you get scared of getting caught. You don't want anything to happen to you. You fear of the consequences that will come after what you did. But you don't have to fear, you don't have to wait for them to give you your punishment. You don't have to as long as you are doing good. If you are behaving and not doing anything wrong, there will be nothing to fear of because you have done no harm to anyone or anything. Many people regret what they have done after it's done, that's when they fear of the consequences that come. It stays in your mind all day and it's hard to dismiss as if it were nothing. Maybe there will be something to distract you for a while but it won't be long before it's back on your mind. You'll begin feeling bad and you'll feel guilty for what you've done. None of it has to happen unless you do what is righteous and good. No harm will be done to you, there will be nothing to worry about.