Thursday, December 17, 2015

Final Part 1 of 2

Class / Self Evaluation

I like this class. Mostly because I get to use the computers and I have some friends in this class. I think that some of the writing we did actually helps us, not just learning different careers but also learning to type and writing more. Like it'll help when we need to write essays and all these papers that we will be doing in college/university. Some of the things I didn't like was that I didn't really sit close to anyone I actually knew and no one really interacted with each other. We just sat there doing our work on the computers and didn't try talking to anyone, well at least that is what I have seen around me. I'm not really sure on what I can say to improve this class? Maybe we can do more careers that aren't related with medical career pathways? Also I really wish we can listen to music while we are working. I think listening to music helps you while you work. I think I tried but I don't think I have done my best in this class. I'm always sleepy in the morning so I don't really have energy to do a lot. I'm not sure if I am or aren't a CTR person. I mean I can try. Does that count? Don't think that I am going to smoke or do drugs or be a thief. I just don't consider myself to be good or not that bad either.

Friday, December 11, 2015

IDP Showcase

 Yesterday on December 10, 2015 My group and I presented in front of a panel about our project about a rare disease called Nephritis. I admit I was nervous to present, it had been my second time presenting because last time I presented it was in the summer bridge program for Linda Marquez. We had four slides and a mini documentary about Nephritis. The people that were in my group were: Rodney, Angela, and Julie. Rodney went first and talked about his part, then Julie went, after was Angela, then me. After I finished my part, Julie projected her phone and played the small Documentary she made. My groups parents were there except mine. I have learned from this experience and will use the information we had so I can take care of myself and won't get this disease. The panel did ask questions that we all tried our best to answer then finished the presentation.

Student Success Statement

"Always do right." - Mark Twain
I think sometimes everyone should live by this quote. And I say that because sometimes to do good you have to do bad. I believe that Our world would not function properly if it were all bad or if it were all good, I believe that our world needs to be be balanced between good and bad. Yes there are times when you have to do good like, sharing things or just being nice and helping someone out. I think people are wrong when they say it's a cruel world. The earth is a beautiful place that is controlled by humans, some are selfish and greedy and want power. This world is good but some people in it aren't. Many want to see them change, but how can they when there isn't a good example in front of them? You can be the example. You can change yourself to be good and many others will start to follow. That is all it takes to make this place better. Isn't that the correct answer?  As much as I would say you should always do the right thing, I still believe that there must be bad in this world to have balance in all of our lives. I don't know where I was going with this.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Student Success Statemnet

"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."-Evan Stephens

I think everyone can agree that when you have done something wrong, you get scared of getting caught. You don't want anything to happen to you. You fear of the consequences that will come after what you did. But you don't have to fear, you don't have to wait for them to give you your punishment. You don't have to as long as you are doing good. If you are behaving and not doing anything wrong, there will be nothing to fear of because you have done no harm to anyone or anything. Many people regret what they have done after it's done, that's when they fear of the consequences that come. It stays in your mind all day and it's hard to dismiss as if it were nothing. Maybe there will be something to distract you for a while but it won't be long before it's back on your mind. You'll begin feeling bad and you'll feel guilty for what you've done. None of it has to happen unless you do what is righteous and good. No harm will be done to you, there will be nothing to worry about.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Student Success Statement

"1. Can people trust me to do what's right?
 2. Am I committed to do my very best?
 3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
If the answers to these questions are yes, there is no way you can fail." - Lou Holtz

These questions let you know whether you are doing the right or wrong thing in life. If you say no to one of these questions, you can fix them. It is never too late to fix something. You know you are doing good if you answer yes to all the questions. If you say no then start treating people the way you would like to be treated. Make people know you are trustworthy. Commit yourself to do your very best, not just in school but in life. Doing this will help you succeed in life, many great things can come when you do the right thing.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tokyo Japan

 A place I would like to go to is Tokyo, Japan.  I have became interested in  Japanese culture and would like to know more about it. I would also like to see the city. I think it's beautiful. There are many things to see in Tokyo. There's shrines and temples. Many restaurants with different types of food I would like to try at least once in my life, the Tokyo Dome and Disneyland there. Also the museums. I would want to explore the city in places like Shinjuku Golden Gai, Kabukichō,Ueno Zoo, Takeshita Street and many districts there.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Student Success Statement

" Kindness is the essence of greatness." - Joseph B. Wirthlin

Being kind is one of the best things you can do. It can change the way people see you, in a good way. It also helps change people's attitude. Kindness is something everyone should receive. It can cheer someone up and make them feel better. Be kind to everyone, and everyone will be kind to you. Being kind can be just being nice to someone, even if you don't really like them. Be respectful to others and their interest. Help someone out when in need. Even sharing things like your school supplies can be kind. Giving money to the homeless so they can buy themselves food or giving them clothes.  There's many things you can do to be kind to someone that will effect greatly.