Friday, February 26, 2016

Student Success Statement

"If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of." - Rachel Castillo

I believe in the saying what goes around, comes around, and it's what most people know as karma. Our actions cause or outcomes so we must be wise when making a decision. For example, if you do wrong to someone then the same will be done to you. But if you do something good, something good in return will come to you. And that also means, treat others like you want to be treated. You may be bad and do all these things to get what you want but they won't last long. They'll perish and you will be left with nothing.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Only those live who do good." Count Leo Tolstoy

You only really feel alive when you have done something good. For example, helping an elderly man or woman up the stairs, or helping a teacher carry their things into their classroom, even helping your mother or father at home with chores makes you feel accomplished. Those who do bad won't really get any feeling out of it, you'll end up feeling a poor excuse for a human being and feel regret for whatever you've done. We are not meant to do cruel things to each other. Humans shouldn't have been made so that everything they touch becomes broken and we even do that to each other. They say that the world is a cruel place but infact it's not, it's the humans living here that make it cruel. This world has so much to offer, and so much to see than what meets the eye. But there are people out there who are greedy and selfish and only care about themselves. It's not right. Everyone should help one and another when in need. We shouldn't get into a big fight and end up hurt over something so stupid like they comment on the way you look or they're spreading rumors or is they're "better" than you because the're not. No can be a better you than you yourself.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

STudent Success Statement

"What right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right." - Albert Einstein

Because it's popular, people think it is okay to do it, when really it's not. And if trying to do the right thing, people think it's lame or only losers do it. That is wrong. Just because someone else is doing is doesn't mean it is right. Before making a choice, ask yourself if it is right. Because most times when people do something, they don't know whether it is right or if it's wrong. They only do it because everyone else is doing it.

Life Planning Goals

Life Planning Goals

  1. No
  2. Yes
  1. No
  2. No
  3. No
  4. No
  5. No
  6. No
  7. No
  8. No
  9. No
  10. No
  11. No
  12. No
  13. No

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

"I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how how hard I want to work and I decided that I would change it." - Dr. Ben Carson

Many people believe they can not change their living situation. But they're wrong, they can change it. They just have to put their minds to it. Something that can help them is education. Whatever you want to study or learn about will help you go places is you set your mind to it.